Sunday, August 5, 2018

Blackberry Days

When Geoff's parents lived in their big house on a hill in Auburn, California, there were blackberries galore in the summer. Our annual summer gatherings became Blackberry Days, and even though circumstances have changed, we still call our summer gatherings by the same name.

This year we decided to keep costs down (since we were all just together in McCall last Christmas) and do a Utah Blackberry Days, with locals staying in their own homes. While it is MUCH more fun to be in one location, or at least closer together, we still had a great time together. It just took a lot of driving!

Given that it is a HOT summer, we got in the water a lot. Pools, lakes, water fights, jumping off bridges. Anything to stay cool.

Geoff had an unfair advantage in the water balloon fight.

Until Ceci took it away!

There was a hike and a trip to BYU's campus for ice cream.

We went to a Bees game. Geoff and my carload parked at our home and took scooters. Super fun new way to get around the city!

There were side bike rides for whomever could squeeze one in.

And kid art projects.

Ceci took a lot of time to make hers a masterpiece!

The adults got away for dinner one night (and Tennie, our newest adult, joined us!)

Most of the time we picked up food and parked ourselves to eat.

There are lots of cute kids to enjoy in this family.

There were quite a few basketball games involving aunts, uncles and nieces and nephews until Mitt got knocked to the ground and couldn't remember anything in his short term memory. That was scary. Thank goodness for Liz who is a PA at an urgent care!

In my opinion, Geoff won the Greatest Uncle Award this year. He took a group to jump off the bridge, buying them whatever they wanted at In-n-Out on the way (lots of shakes!) He took any smaller kid who didn't complain and made it to the top of the hike to the dollar store (here they are planning their trip):

He bought surgical tubing for water fun, rigged up a launcher and let all the kids try, and spent hours playing in the water fun. He played basketball and let kids climb all over him. He chased and tickled. Definitely a kid's choice favorite!

Overall it was a great week of favorite people, fun and family memories. Thanks to Ian and Liz who did the planning, and for everyone sharing their photos!

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