Wednesday, August 8, 2018


We're working on fine-tuning good habits around here. With Tennie needing cash for college, and Adele and Ceci wanting money to redecorate their soon-to-be-own rooms, we're paying for habits.  Here is the chart:

Some of these things everyone gets right 90% of the time, others need some attention. So we give 20 cents for each accomplished habit, plus an extra bonus dollar for every perfect row or column during a week. Spiritual habits we just do, no money given.

And there are standards, like our Healthy Eating Habits and Screens Guidelines. These are the hardest to get, but we keep reminding everyone that this is about improving our habits, not about the money, so even good efforts and strivings without getting cash are worthwhile.

This is a 3-month focus and we're off to a good start! 

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