Wednesday, May 22, 2019


I'm really behind! But here I am getting back in the saddle of recording our lives!

Adele has a really great group of friends this year. They spend a lot of time together and have a lot of fun together. They all paired up to go to prom, and Adele went with a friend named Victor.

This month, right in the midst of studying for an AP (US History) test, Adele's school announced that it would close at the end of the year. It is a long, complicated story about how it came to such dire financial circumstances, a story I won't tell here. Geoff and I spent many hours upon hearing the announcement going to meetings, having phone calls and endlessly texting a friend on the board trying to find solutions to keep it open, or at a minimum replaced, but to no avail. Parent and students were devastated. It is a special school. Adele and friends were franticly trying to find a way to stay together next year. It was a stressful and emotional week as there was a period of trying to find possible solutions. Prom was all that much more sweet and significant for this sweet group of kids.

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