Thursday, May 30, 2019

Memorial Day's Plan B

We almost beat the Utah record for most rain in May, which is awesome because we are no longer in a drought, but it sure foiled our Memorial weekend plans! By the time the weather looked as though it really was going to be as bad as forecasted a week earlier, all campsites were full in the couple places that promised to be warmish. After conjuring up every possible place we could get away to, we decided to stay put and make it a fun few days at home since the weather in Salt Lake was actually pretty good.

Friday night we rode scooters to the movie theater to see Aladdin, followed by pizza at Settebello.

Saturday we spent the day in Sundance, not doing anything in particular, just enjoying being outside.

A trip to Sundance wouldn't be the same without the girls putting on a play.

Erica, Davey and kids joined us in the late afternoon, but the rains came and had us all running for cover.

Sunday after church we were joined by our great friend Nina Serafin and we all went to the Salt Flats. Stella and Nina had never seen them. But all of those salty flats were covered in rain water. Instead of driving to the official salt flats an hour farther, these five teenagers made the most of it and played in the water for at least two hours.

Monday morning everyone went to yoga followed by a late breakfast at Blue Plate Diner in Sugarhouse.

Hacky sack is a new hobby...

We spent a few hours at home while Adele and Nina pierced their ears...themselves! Ouch!

Our weekend ended at The Front climbing gym. Stella and I were observers, both of us marveling at the guts of all those climbers!

While it wasn't Bryce Canyon, where we had planned to go, it was still a great weekend together as family and friends.

God bless all those who gave their lives for the freedoms we all take for granted.

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