Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Into the Woods and Back Again

Geoff, Tennie and Ceci set out on an overnight camping adventure a few weekends ago.

They packed their stuff down to the perfect spot (it took a few loads), set up their tent, Ceci built a beautiful fire and was just about to break out the marshmallows...

A ranger approached and told them they couldn't camp there (this was their third attempt at finding a spot because all the other campgrounds still had several feet of snow!) He kindly gave them a $50 fine for camping near the watershed. Disappointed, they dissembled their camp and headed home, their outing to the woods completely foiled. (And it turns out that fine is a criminal charge that Geoff has to go to court to defend. There weren't even any No Camping signs!)

Ceci, determined to sleep in a tent that night, set up camp in the living room.

A very sorry Plan B.

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