Friday, May 24, 2019

8th Grade Advancement

After spending a week together free and wild, Ceci's 8th grade class gathered this past weekend for their 8th grade advancement. All of the families gathered for a potluck dinner before the ceremony.

Ceci, Edie, Lena, Mary Kate and Halle
A few students shared remarks, the class performed a song, and then the class performed a surprise number for their teacher, Mr Op 't Ende (he's from the Netherlands and thankfully goes by Mr. O). The song was Let It Be by the Beatles, with a few word changes mixed in.

Then a class hug.

Ceci will miss this great group of friends as they're all going in different directions next year.

Here she and cousin Bailey are with teacher Mr. O.

And here is Ceci with the class's first teacher at Waldorf in 6th grade, Mrs. Simmons. She pulled this group together into a very united and accepting class, and she is and will always be loved by all of the students. If only the world were full of such teachers. She has two doves that live in her classroom and fly free, Samson and Delilah. Ceci is quite attached to Samson who comes and lands on her every time she goes to Mrs. Simmons class to paint, which she does a couple times each week.

After all of the crying and loving and hugging the principle said, "Ok, see you all on Monday." Ha! There are still two weeks of school!

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