Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Timp Training

Geoff has been wanting to hike Mount Timanogos for a very long time, and a few weeks ago he declared he was doing it for his birthday, and who wanted to join him? Ceci was the only taker.  The only Saturday available around his birthday is THIS Saturday. I hiked Mt. Timp in college, and I know for a fact that I'm not in shape for that hike, nor could I be in a two-week period. (I'm not sure Geoff is either, but he's going anyway.)

Last Saturday Geoff and I hiked two miles up the trail as a little warm-up. It was the shorter but steeper route, and the prep hike was my way of sharing in his experience. It was so beautiful. I love this little Sundance canyon in Utah. This Saturday he and Ceci will hike the full 7.5 miles up (and it is UP), and make the return route in the same day. GO THEM!

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