Thursday, September 6, 2018


Our Labor Day weekend was more labor than play, although it wasn't intended to be that way. We've just had a lion's share of annoying errands and life details come up. BUT, we did go to Provo, grab Tennie and head up Rock Creek Canyon to do a little rock climbing in the late afternoon.

Tennie is just beginning to love rock climbing. She prefers bare feet (always), although I think she'll give climbing shoes a try after seeing how much easier the climb was for her sisters. Those bare feet didn't hold her back. She has become mentally tough and determined to conquer hard things. It inspires me. This was not a beginner's climb, but up she went to the very top.

Ceci borrowed my phone for this creative shot.

The rope got caught in the crack mid-climb. Ceci went up to wiggle it free, and another climber jumped in to help too.

I didn't get many pictures of Ceci because, well, I took a picture and next thing I knew she was at the top! She is a more experienced climber. It helps that she is fearless too.

Adele moved pretty darn fast too. She is a beginner climber, but not for long. She is strong and balanced.


It had only been a few days away from Tennie, but it sure was good to have us all together! Soon enough, new friends will crowd us out! This spontaneous Family Night was the perfect last evening of summer.

1 comment:

  1. One of Jordan's best friends is an avid climber and lives in Provo if Tennie wants me to share her contact info I'm sure he'd take her climbing- I'd love to bring the boys up and do some climbing too...way to go girls!
