Thursday, September 13, 2018

Pinewood Derby

This week in Adele and Ceci's young women's group they held their annual Pinewood Derby, only in this group, anything goes. No rules. It is really fun to see what everyone comes up with to win. There was a Veggie Tales car, with fresh veggies glued to the block of wood. Another had a stack of big rocks Saran wrapped to the top. One had a jar of coins banded to the car. The Biggest Cheater award went to someone who had drilled a hole and had a long stick going through the car, blocking any car from passing on either side.

Adele and Ceci weren't going for speed, but creativity, and I think they did a great job!

The young women broke into three groups and had mini classes relating to car racing. One was about sponsorships, and what do they "advertise" by their words and actions. Another was on having a racing license, an identity, to qualify for the race. It was tied to divine nature. And the last was on hazards and dangers in the race, which related to our friends and how they can determine the direction we go, for good or bad.

Finally it was time for the races. There was a lot of cheering and hoopla.

There were the winners, and there was the biggest loser. Ceci won that. She was so proud.

The winner had a very heavy wire skein glued to hers. She didn't have as much fun winning as Ceci did losing!

Refreshments were cute.

I'm so grateful for these women who voluntarily give so much time and energy to providing engaging lessons and activities, and so much thought and prayer into connecting with each young woman. They are a great group of leaders!

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