Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The Next Chapter

When Geoff left church employment, he had several potential professional opportunities. Deep down he really wanted to start his own business, but the travel idea had taken root and pursuing his own business was put on the back burner. While traveling we didn't really put much thought into what was next, until a few weeks before coming home. We planned to continue travel in the summer and maybe beyond, but we also wanted to be open to a possible change of plans. We began to seek guidance in prayer.

I won't go into the details here, but things began to fall into place for Geoff to start his business in the most unexpected ways. He partnered with Cicero Group, who is not only providing some upfront business start-up costs, but is masterful at data driven problem solving. Essentially, they are incubating Geoff's business, but will continue as partners.

The business is an impact investing company, only they plan to buy businesses that do good, make them super efficient and effective (this is where Cicero Group will play a helpful role) and then duplicate them through some of the most needy areas of the world, not buy them, grow them and sell them. It is a longer term vision. Businesses might include chicken farms in Africa that sell bundles of 10 chicks to rural families as an egg business, only the families are receiving nourishment as well. This meets the desperate needs of job creation as well as food production. Another idea is to buy pharmacies in smaller cities, then have "barefoot pharmacists" that take simple diagnostic tools and medicine to the rural areas where people don't have access to health care or smaller doses of medicine they can afford. Geoff's mind works on high-speed when it comes to ideas like this. There is literally no end to what he wants to do!

He and his small team are analyzing where to start and how to best use their initial funds. It is fun to see Geoff so engaged and excited. This week he is at an impact investing conference in Washington, D.C. A crash course in how the industry has changed since he changed it 10 years ago.

So the title of the next chapter is clear, but how it will play out is open and full of possibilities!

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