Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Metal Mouth

Yesterday Ceci got braces. There was a lot of nervous anticipation after watching two sisters and a best friend cousin, plus hosts of friends, have braces. She took some before shots in the car.

Then some pictures were taken to show us the work to be done. Obvious straightening, slight overbite, and a shifting of the lower bite, as teeth don't line up. Ceci was hoping for a 6-month treatment, but it will be 21-24 months. Ceci is determined to have it be as short as possible. Bring on the bands!

Putting all of that metal on goes pretty fast, but it sure is a lot of stuff going on in one mouth!

I didn't get an after picture, because let's be honest, who wants to go around showing those things off that first day? There weren't very many smiles on the way home, but from a mom's perspective, she pulls off an adorable metal mouth!

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