Sunday, May 13, 2018


I’ve been thinking about mothers today. Motherhood is bearing children and raising and nurturing them, but it also is an embodiment of sacrifice, patience, long-suffering, gentleness, service, kindness, friendship and love. It is nurturing the mind, heart and body. As I look around at the depravity in our society, I wonder if people I see were really loved. Did they ever have a “mother”?

We have many mothers in our lives. I was lucky to have a biological mother who showed me all the qualities of a wonderful mother. She has loved me purely my whole life, and I am so grateful for her.

When I was a young girl my brothers teased me incessantly. My mom tried to teach me to ignore them without any success. After years of enduring torment, my Aunt Kris came to visit. She taught me to go along with the teasing. If they called me a name, go along with it and say, “Yep, that’s right!” Somehow I listened, and miraculously, it worked! She “mothered” me out of that difficult childhood trial.

When I was about 14, and my mom worked full-time as a single mom supporting herself and her children, there was a young married woman in our ward in her late twenties that worked at a nearby bookstore. Her name was Karen Cook. I used to go to the bookstore after school and tell her about all the boys I liked, about school and my problems. She drove me past the houses of my crushes! She was solid in the gospel and gave me sound advise. During that period of time, she was a “mother” to me. When I was at an age where I wasn't as interested in my own mom, she guided me safely through the rough waters of Middle School.

As an older teen, I had two YW leaders who taught me to minister and lead. They had a powerful influence on me as a result of their sacrifice and leadership, and their commitment to show me how to serve in preparation to be a future leader. They were most definitely “mothers” to me.

When I was drowning under layers of hard for several years while living in Auburn, California, I met a friend, Cindy Joeger, who, while not religious, lived LOVE better than anyone I had ever met. She encircled me in her natural, nurturing warmth and nourished my mind, heart and body. She was a living ministering angel that bound me up in love and goodness. I needed her, and she nurtured me in every way.

There are countless times when family members, friends, neighbors, ward members and even strangers have shown me this love, by feeding me nourishing meals, rocking my babies to sleep when Geoff was out of town, teaching me skills, listening to my struggles, encouraging me to try new things, watching my children so I could have a break, guiding me through depression, helping me see my unique gifts, taking an interest in my children, taking an interest in me, sending me small, thoughtful gifts, demonstrating how to serve selflessly, carrying my burdens, being present when we talk, letting me know I'm doing an ok job at being a mother, helping me to see the beauty in nature, helping me simplify, showing me new ways to do things, opening my mind to different points of view, and on and on and on.

This love that has been shown to me throughout my life is multiplied a hundred times over by those who embody the characteristics of "mothers". It is a powerful force for good.

There are many who have not known this love. I see them on the streets, in stores, in schools, and just about everywhere I go. They seem lost and void of love and nurturing. They are seeking, but not finding. I've been thinking today that I want to expand my mothering, or ministering. I want to start asking in prayer each morning, "Who needs my love today?" And in turn, I hope the receiver feels Christ's love, for He IS love.

Thank you to all of those who have influenced me through their mothering qualities, who have inspired and taught me to be more like the Savior through their words and actions.

Happy Mother's Day.

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