Thursday, May 17, 2018

Our Balcony Garden!

Adele and I planted a small garden on our balcony again this year!

The unseasonably cold nights and late spring snow storms have almost destroyed our labors on a few occasions! We mostly planted herbs and lettuces, but we tried peas again, and we trying out nasturtium, which is in constant bloom with edible flowers!

One good thing about a balcony garden in the city is there are no pests or insects eating our plants. Only we noticed something was nibbling our lettuces. What the? Turns out our cat likes lettuce! Do cats eat lettuce?

Adele and I tried to guess which yummy herbs where in our herbal tea in Israel so we could try to duplicate the tea. I think we nailed it! Lots of tea drinking around here!

Mostly, I love the simplicity of caring for these living plants and seeing them out our windows. Simple pleasures.

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