Monday, May 28, 2018

Bear Lake

Over the weekend we spent a night and day in Bear Lake with our good friends, the Shumways and Looslis. These friends go back to our days in Washington D.C. where Saren and I were roommates for a couple years, and then I served in a YW presidency in a Spanish branch with her sister Saydi for several years. Her husband Jeff and my Geoff were in the YM presidency of the same branch. The YW felt sorry for us that we were "older" and not married, so they prayed that we would get married. In the end, the YW presidency members married the YM presidency members! Not at the same time, of course, but over the years. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of us adults.

Our kids overlap a bit in ages, and the group of girls really hit it off and had a great time together.

The weather was perfect, and the cold water didn't inhibit the kids a bit.

It is amazing how long a body of water can keep kids engaged! They spent hours rowing, floating, laughing, playing games and working as a team to get the Shumway's dog on the floating dock.

It was a great getaway with great friends. Summer is trying so hard to come this year, but we're still waiting for consistent warm days!

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