Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Teaching English

If we were here longer, we could teach a consistent English course, either in the schools or in the community. So far we've only had time to teach once, but we're hoping to do a few more classes before we leave. Working with the kids is the best part of Cambodia.

We were told one evening at dinner that we had a class of 1st and 2nd graders the next morning at 10:00 for an hour. We didn't know what they knew, and we didn't really know what English would matter in one day of teaching, but we figured we could teach them some basic phrases like "How are you?" and "I'm fine thank you". Their normal schooling is rote memorization, so we had them get up and move around. We weren't super effective, but they had fun, and so did we!

This cutie wasn't allowed in for some reason. No uniform? Boy did she hunger to go to school.


Other kids watched through the doors and windows.

Cambodian children go to school for half a day, since there aren't enough schools. In Preaek Svay, the elementary kids go from 7:00-11:00AM and the middle grade kids go from 1:00-5:00PM. That isn't much time to teach much, so outside "extra" classes like English are really helpful.

This school is typical of a Cambodian primary school.

We've met several young people who were taken off of the streets by organizations that teach English and hospitality skills. They seem to be the most educated we've met, all starting off as extremely poor, street kids. There are so many people in this world trying to create opportunities to better the lives of others. It is inspiring.

A trail of students following us to the village one day.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Can you bring me home that cutie with no uniform?
    2. These children are beautiful.
    3. Those kids watching from outside the door speaks volumes.
    4. Geoff looks fantastic in turquoise.
    5. You guys are adorable. Smiling and happy and adorable. All while you sweat buckets and shower in a bucket and kill critters with shovels.
