Sunday, January 21, 2018

A Few More From Song Saa

Last evening (after I posted) we had a beautiful sunset, and we tried to absorb all of its magnificence as long as possible.

This morning, after a leisurely breakfast and packing up, we took a walk on the partner island - pure jungle.

A view on the way to the island.

There are poisonous tarantulas on the island, whose webs cross the paths like nets.  Sticks are provided to break any webs so you don't end up with a tarantula on your back. Courageous Ceci led the way, she and Geoff wielding the sticks.

There are several tropical birds on the island that we could hear but not see. But we did see some really cool mushrooms!

It didn't take us long to cross the island.

Much to Ceci's disappointment, and much to Adele's and my relief, we didn't see any hand-sized spiders to haunt us in our sleep.

The walk back.

So long Song Saa!


  1. Yay for no giant spiders! Sorry C...
    Looks like a fun place to explore!

  2. Mushrooms are my favorite! Such an adventure!
