Monday, January 1, 2018

Christmas in McCall, Idaho - Part 2

The rest of our time in McCall was all play. There was a LOT of playing in the snow and skiing, which days always began with Geoff making blueberry pancakes...

Some days were very cold!

A few heroic aunts hosted a gingerbread house-making party for the little kids.

The older cousins played countless games of Werewolf. I joined in once and was sure I permanently lost some of my hearing. Very fun, though...

We were often the teenage transport car, usually with six piled in the back seat and a few in front.

The main house had a hot tub, which was always packed with tired muscles.

People began to leave on the 28th, and our numbers continued to dwindle. We made our way home New Year's Eve, sorry to say goodbye to people we love and the memories we make together.

But before going home, a few stragglers spent a final day skiing and enjoying the end-of-year fireworks at Brundage.

On to many adventures in 2018!

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