Sunday, January 28, 2018

Song Saa Foundation

Originally we had planned to spend three months working with the Song Saa Foundation, the Song Saa Resort's community development non-profit. During our stay at the resort we took a tour of the nearby village where they do most of their work, Preaek Svay.

There are many exciting projects: marine conservation (when Song Saa began they were dynamite fishing, completely obliterating their ocean life); land conservation (they have destroyed many mangrove forests as well as general deforestation); water conservation (capturing rain water during the rainy season to save for the dry season) and filtering; medical missions; an elementary and secondary school; trash collection processes; a community library for the children, and I can't remember the last one.

Each project requires a robust educational endeavor to try to get locals on board.

Here is the trash collecting area:

And the water collection tanks:

The foundation is in the midst of creating a new strategy and bringing on new leadership. Many of the projects are currently dormant during the transition, so the involvement we had hoped for isn't as readily available. There were a few small ways to get involved during our shorts stay, and I'll post about those in the coming days.

The foundation's education/community center, Sala Song Saa (the library is upstairs).

Here are a few other pictures of Preaek Svay.

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