Wednesday, October 2, 2019

September Wrap-Up

Where in the world did September go? I barely remember acknowledging it's presence.

Geoff took two separate trips to New York for some investor meetings, to speak at a conference and for a YGL event. We had a two-week, late 20th anniversary trip to Amsterdam and Rome planned, but when Geoff got home from these trips and anticipated the weeks of travel, followed by more weeks of work travel, we decided to cancel our anniversary trip just a few days before departure to try to lighten his fall work load. Strangely, it was a relief to not be going and we quickly moved on. For the first time in a long time, Geoff is spending quality time in the office and feeling productive. That has been nice.

He attended a management retreat for work, which is really quite fun. Despite SNOW, he joined a group to hike one morning. I was sad to miss it, but so glad I was able to celebrate Ceci's birthday at home.

He has wanted to climb a mountain for his birthday for several years, and for one reason or another hasn't had the time to get in shape or been able to find a free Saturday around his birthday. But this year he threw training to the wind and just went and climbed Mt. Olympus. He paid the price with sore muscles for days, but he did it! Climb a mountain for birthday - CHECK!

Tennie held a housewarming party at her new student house in Provo where a handful of friends came. That led to more social invitations and friends, concerts, campouts, parties and bike rides. Her social floodgates have finally opened at BYU! That first year was tough for her. The dorms weren't her scene, but she has found her people and place. She also got a job as a stage hand and usher at the Harris Fine Arts Center on campus. Life is full and good in Provo!

School is well underway and mostly we're in comfortable rhythms. Adele is insanely busy and generally stressed out. She moves in and out of the house, living her own life and working to manage a lot of spinning plates. SAT testing and college applications are looming too. She'll be glad to get past those in the next couple months.

Ceci decided to take math online so she could work at her own pace, but we discovered that the math instruction for this online course was quite poor and moved very fast. We were having a difficult time finding a tutor, and in the meantime she and I were spending at least 2 hours a day trying to figure out the concepts and work through the assignments. It was a pathetic sight. I mean, me as her math tutor/teacher in high school?! Laughable. Basically, it felt like we ate, breathed, and slept math during the entire month of September. Starting in October we have her in a math class in school. This will require some catching up in the new class and wrapping up in the online class, but we're hoping for some smoother sailing in our near future.

A hummingbird flew in our open window and eventually got itself stuck in between our two window panes. After about 20 minutes, Geoff lifted it out carefully with two chopsticks. We took it outside where it sat, traumatized, for about 45 minutes. (We kept Mila indoors!) Geoff tried to feed it some sugar water, but it didn't move. It was so beautiful and so TINY!

We gathered with Geoff's siblings for a picnic in the canyon one weekend.

This past weekend Geoff, Adele, Ceci and I went to St. George so I could attend my 30th high school reunion, the first I've been to. I was so excited to see people after all of these years! It was so fun to catch up with long lost friends and find out where life had taken them. Not many were there, but I'm so glad I went. This is a great group of people.

Geoff and I went on a bike through Snow Canyon, which is so incredibly beautiful. I lost some of the pictures I took somehow, darnit!

On to cooler weather, changing leaves, pumpkins and warm tea!

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