Monday, September 30, 2019

Snapshot of Ceci - Part 2

Here are what Geoff's family members said of Ceci on her birthday (all over text)...

Happy happy happy birthday to my darling Ceci! Ce, you are a contagious light that offers goodness everywhere you go and to everyone you see. I admire your care for the world around you, your sensitive spirit, your incredible smile and laugh, your show-stopping dance moves and overall I'm grateful to have a friend like you! Your'e a real gem, Ce. Happy freakin' birthday!

Happy Birthday Cecer!!!!!! I love how true you are to yourself and how cool that inner self is. You are purely good and kind and thoughtful, and also a riot and totally creative and end less fun for everyone around you. I love you tons.

Happy birthday Ce-bo-bee!! I love your amazingly spunky and fun personality, your fearless attitude, your willingness to try anything, your ability to conquer/rock at everything you try, your easy-going way of doing life, your brilliant mind, your giant heart, and your strong work ethic. Love you so much and hope you have a phenomenal day!!!

Happy birthday, little C!!! You are such a treasure of a person. You are fierce and determined and full of strenth; you are smart and wise; you are crazy and spunky and full of beautiful Ceci-ness. I love you to pieces, and am so grateful to be related to you forever!!!

Lucie (age 8)
Happy b-day Ceci! I'm so glad you're my cousin! You are so nice to everyone! You make everything so fun! Love Lucie

Ceci!!! Life of the party! Dancing queen. Actress extraordinaire. Natalie to those who know...(an acting job she was in)'re a right maniac when it's time to be! Happy birthday, your wonderful person! I love you!

Happy birthday sweet C. You're hilarious. And strong and brave and valiant. And beautiful and creative and just a knock out human bean 😛. You bring any costume box to life. It's hard not to smile when you are around. Keeping being you, just 15! Love ya!

C, you are amazing. One of a kind. So hilarious and full of character. And also smart and considerate and energetic and creative. You connect with people on a deep level. Your love of life is contagious. We need to do another road trip! Happy Birthday, girl!

Ce to the ci! I absolutely adore you in so many ways! You are so stinking hilarious and my face hurts right now just thinking about how much I laugh when I'm around you. Your heart is so incredibly huge and you care deeply for all of those around you and for all of those that you bring into your circle. You effortlessly light up a room with your dynamic personality and charismatic self. You are beautiful inside and out. You carry a valiant and radiant light. You have an admirable passion for life. You have an unmatched love of adventure. Your love of family makes me grateful I'm in it! Your ambitions and dreams are commendable and will be met as they are followed with a disciplined and focused approach toward what you want out of life. I'm so excited to watch you flourish and grow in life and obtain everything that your heart desires. I love being around you and that you laugh at my silly voices and jokes. I love that I get to be with you forever and I can't wait to see you to celebrate YOU. Happy happy birthday!!

How is that tradition for making a birthday? Ceci is one of a kind. And a good kind!

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