Friday, September 6, 2019

Labor Day Weekend

Geoff and Tennie took off Friday morning-ish for Zion National Park, taking a scenic route through Cedar Breaks and arriving in time to enjoy the spectacular Zion scenery at sunset.

When Adele and Ceci finished up school on Friday we headed south and stayed the night at my mom's in St. George, then Adele and Ceci took off for Zion Saturday morning and I stayed for a relaxing and rejuvenating weekend at with my mom.

Their first Zion adventure was a long hike up the Narrows (a walk in water through mostly narrow walls). They rented good shoes, which made all the difference, and marveled at the beauty.

As you can see from Ceci's shirt below, sometimes the water is waist deep and wading is the only way through!

The second adventure was a 4-hour canyoneering trip with a guide. I cut out about 300 pictures, as every turn has an amazing view you want to capture when in that majestic place, but there are still a lot of photos in this post!

Ceci The Climber got herself to this little spot.

Sunday night they happened to get a cabin inside the park, so Monday morning they started the Angel's Landing hike at dawn, beating the crowds the buses would soon be shuttling in.

This hike is strenuous and not for the weak of heart. The beauty in every direction along the way is well worth it, though. I did this hike often as a teenager, but I don't think I would have the guts anymore!

After 2-miles of switchbacks there is a resting spot, a destination for those who don't want to continue on to the more hairy part of the hike.

But these four pressed on. Everyone but Adele had done the hike before, but Adele had the courage this time around, and she LOVED it.

There are chains where the trail is narrow. No fall on this part of the hike is really a safe fall.

Because they rested for awhile before this last part, a lot of other people were on the trail at the same time, as you can see below. Now follow that trail along that narrow incline with the sheer cliff to the side. The other side is the same way.

The views from the top are breathtaking.

And then, after trying to look hard enough at God's magnificent creations, they made their way down.

These four packed a lot in to one weekend!

It was originally a weekend to rock climb in Zion. I'm not sure why that didn't happen, but in the end I missed out on some really fun and memorable adventures! It was really nice to spend so much uninterrupted time with my mom, though. And I went on some bike rides through St. George's own red rock gorgeousness, and we had dinner and played cards with my brother and his wife Sunday night. It was a good weekend.

And it sort of feels like an official end to summer. Onward!

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