Thursday, September 26, 2019

Ceci is 15!

Ceci's birthday was squished in with a lot of other goings on this year. Geoff's company had their annual management retreat where employees and their spouses spend three days in Park City, and C's birthday fell right in the middle. Geoff felt obligated to be there this year, so I didn't join him, and he came home for a couple hours in the afternoon when he could get away.

And then Ceci woke up really sick with a fever and no energy. Super big bummer for all she had planned that day. But she wasn't about to miss out on her plans. Tennie had come home the night before, and after a birthday breakfast of crepes with strawberries, cream and nutella (Ceci's choice), the three of them were off on the climate march. I'll write more about this later, but it was really fun to follow along and see the commitment of this generation to call attention to this issue. It was rainy and chilly and Ceci dragged herself along, but she marched for this beautiful earth and her future despite her feeling horrible.

She came home, crawled in her bed and shivered in her covers for a couple hours, and then was off with Tennie and Adele and five of her new school friends to an escape room birthday adventure. It was on Groupon and turned out to be such a terrible experience that is was full of outrageous stories, so luckily that was memorable which made it sort of funnish. All came back for pizza and a movie afterward.

We didn't even get to her presents. The following day we had her treasure hunt and she got her one big present from us, as well as cards and gifts from family. Her big gift from us was an electric drum set! Yes, they make them electric so she can hear it with headphones. Perfect for our apartment living!

So this didn't go down as one of the most perfect birthdays, but it was a good birthday despite the not perfect parts. Ceci was grateful and made the most of it. Very typical of this remarkable 15-year-old.

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