Friday, September 27, 2019

Snapshot of Ceci - Part 1

How does one capture Ceci? She is a force and a light. That's it in a nutshell. But I'll try to delve deeper, particularly into her 15-year-old self.

Ceci is energy and sunlight and goodness wrapped up into a human being. She is one of the most generous-of-self people I have ever met. She is gifted at sensing what people need around her, and she is more than willing to give it. She'll include the outsider, she'll encourage and cheer on the doubtful and fearful, she'll listen to the down and out, she'll pass up something she wants and give you her savings, she'll massage tired feet, she'll walk with you if it will help fill your dreams/ get the idea. She is a builder and cheerleader and a loyal friend.

Over the summer when we went to the Olympic Park and I challenged myself to face my fear of heights by doing the ropes course, I knew that I was doing something big for myself. It took all of my courage. Ceci intuitively understood how big it was for me. She watched me intently and cheered me on. When I finished she looked me in the eye, deep into my own soul, and understood the personal victory I had just accomplished. She kept saying, "Good job, mom!" It wasn't a trite congratulations, she was very sincere. This is a small example of her deep loyalty, friendship and goodness.

Ceci is affectionate and loves to cuddle on the couch or hold hands or express her love in anyway possible through her physical touch. She receives love in this way too. She also receives love in doing fun things together. It is not uncommon for her to say, as she is heading out the door to school, "Mom, want to hang out and do something with me today?"

She is not demanding or high maintenance. At all. You give something (whether gifts, time, compliments, etc.) and Ceci is very grateful. She is easy to celebrate, she is easy to be with and she is easy to please. While she has a particular style, she isn't really into clothes or shopping. While she appreciates good food, she'll be happy if it is a quesadilla for dinner. While she has an opinion of what she would like to do on a trip, she'll be flexible with the plans, often foregoing what she wants. As a family we have to be aware of this, and Ceci is learning that this flexibility and generosity-of-self can be taken advantage of. It will be good for her to learn boundaries to care for herself, but isn't it beautiful to err on the side of giving too much?

Ceci is her own person. She doesn't like to go along with a crowd. She protects her individuality carefully. Now that she is in a large public school she is aware that if not careful she can become numbed to her own voice and passions. She doesn't want to be typical. She knows deep down that she is unique and powerful. She is fighting to not be dimmed by a conformist culture. She thinks deeply. She is a quick thinker and processes information rapidly, but she is also on-guard, knowing that all information coming in is not truth. I really appreciate her constant radar. Her desire to seek truth is admirable, and the ability to not conform while doing it shows great courage and strength. For example, she wears pants to church. She recognizes this as a cultural expectation, and not a sign of discipleship. She is more comfortable in pants. She feels it allows her to worship more as herself. She is courageous, true and strong.

She is smart. She doesn't think like the average person, which causes some challenge in a typical, public school classroom, but she is wonderfully creative and imaginative. Her writing is magnificent. She is a strong problem solver. She is discovering this semester that she loves Earth Science. She loves nature, astronomy, plants, animals, mental puzzles, art and anything to do with being in her body. Her three choices of future paths right now are working at NASA (do you have to be good at math to be an astronaut?), being a creative writer of fiction, or being an actress. Like, a red carpet actress. This last one is her big dream right now. She wants to be in a movie. And she could be! She is really talented at acting. She is so observant and imaginative that she can get into any character and nail it. Her childhood play was delightful because of it.

Ceci is athletic and fearless when it comes to trying new things. When learning to surf she would go out again and again until she got the hang of it. She went on a black diamond run the first time skiing. (Her competitiveness helps in this. She wants to be the best of whatever she does.) Her next focus is rock climbing. She is joining a team to fine tune her skills and work toward a competitive team. But from climb one she was strong and focused and scaled easily from level to harder level. She has a lot of drive and determination. Again, being in her body is one of her favorite things. She is definitely body smart!

Ceci is incredibly gifted with people. She talks easily to adults, she makes friends easily and kids are attracted to her good naturedness and fun. She is genuinely interested in people of all ages. She is a good conversationalist. She is a natural leader. People can trust her goodness, her integrity and all the while know they'll have a great time if she is around. She is fun and crazy and hilarious. She is likable from day one.

None of our kids have been excited to grow up, and Ceci is no exception. She is a kid at heart. She loves to play and be free, but growing up is happening, and she's adapting and becoming just as remarkable as a young adult as she has been as a child. A force and a light.

( Flats photo credit: Tennie's friend Lindsay, 2018)

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