Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Mt. Timp Hike That Almost Was

Adele and I decided to hike the first three miles up Mt. Timp with Geoff and Ceci. Friday night we bought Ceci a pair of good hiking shoes and packed our packs with snacks and loads of water. None of us were excited for the 6:00 wake-up call, especially Adele and Ceci who look forward to sleeping in a bit on Saturdays. We were up and ready, though, until we realized the strong smell of smoke coming through an open window. The fires South of Provo, and a new one in Herriman, filled the air. It was undoubtedly unhealthy to do a 15-mile hike. What a disappointment! (Simultaneously we were grateful to not be evacuated like so many families! Our effects from this powerful and persistent fire pale considerably!)

So, after an hour of deliberating, we decided to use the day to attack some projects. The first was to move Ceci into Tennie's old room, which meant getting rid of a lot of old furniture and STUFF. Mid-afternoon I paused to take a few pictures of the house at that moment in time.

Given our waning energy and fading time, we wondered when we would get to hauling away all of this stuff. At least a few weeks. I suggested we call The Other Side Academy movers to come "move" it for us. It would cost us, but it might be worth it.

Do you know about The Other Side Academy? One of our friends started it here in Salt Lake, based on Delancey Street in San Francisco. This organization takes hard criminals and gives them a chance to change their lives. The methods are incredibly effective. As they immerse them in purpose and work and responsibility, they learn to live and function normally in society. Geoff spoke to the group a few years ago, and we've interacted with many of the "students" over the years. I'm inspired at what they overcome and the courage it takes to change.

One of their businesses (they are completely self-funded) is a very successful moving company (voted #1 in Salt Lake). But when we called we remembered they have another thrift store business, and upon inquiring, they pick up donations FOR FREE! And they could come in an hour! They showed up and moved all that clutter out in 20 minutes. No tips accepted (rules of the organization). Seriously, if you don't know about this place, or their businesses, take a look. It will make your day.

House is clean.

And oh, as we moved Tennie's bed out we found the Fiat key. Right there under the bed. Ten days ago we had to tow the Fiat to the dealership, but the tow truck couldn't fit down in our underground garage, so we, and a few guys from Geoff's team at work (bless their souls), and a guy painting something on our building, PUSHED the Fiat up and out of the building and onto the street. We paid $400 for two new keys. Now we have three. Funny in a not so funny way.

Our foiled day ended up productive. On to our Birthday Week!

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Pinewood Derby

This week in Adele and Ceci's young women's group they held their annual Pinewood Derby, only in this group, anything goes. No rules. It is really fun to see what everyone comes up with to win. There was a Veggie Tales car, with fresh veggies glued to the block of wood. Another had a stack of big rocks Saran wrapped to the top. One had a jar of coins banded to the car. The Biggest Cheater award went to someone who had drilled a hole and had a long stick going through the car, blocking any car from passing on either side.

Adele and Ceci weren't going for speed, but creativity, and I think they did a great job!

The young women broke into three groups and had mini classes relating to car racing. One was about sponsorships, and what do they "advertise" by their words and actions. Another was on having a racing license, an identity, to qualify for the race. It was tied to divine nature. And the last was on hazards and dangers in the race, which related to our friends and how they can determine the direction we go, for good or bad.

Finally it was time for the races. There was a lot of cheering and hoopla.

There were the winners, and there was the biggest loser. Ceci won that. She was so proud.

The winner had a very heavy wire skein glued to hers. She didn't have as much fun winning as Ceci did losing!

Refreshments were cute.

I'm so grateful for these women who voluntarily give so much time and energy to providing engaging lessons and activities, and so much thought and prayer into connecting with each young woman. They are a great group of leaders!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Timp Training

Geoff has been wanting to hike Mount Timanogos for a very long time, and a few weeks ago he declared he was doing it for his birthday, and who wanted to join him? Ceci was the only taker.  The only Saturday available around his birthday is THIS Saturday. I hiked Mt. Timp in college, and I know for a fact that I'm not in shape for that hike, nor could I be in a two-week period. (I'm not sure Geoff is either, but he's going anyway.)

Last Saturday Geoff and I hiked two miles up the trail as a little warm-up. It was the shorter but steeper route, and the prep hike was my way of sharing in his experience. It was so beautiful. I love this little Sundance canyon in Utah. This Saturday he and Ceci will hike the full 7.5 miles up (and it is UP), and make the return route in the same day. GO THEM!

Thursday, September 6, 2018


Our Labor Day weekend was more labor than play, although it wasn't intended to be that way. We've just had a lion's share of annoying errands and life details come up. BUT, we did go to Provo, grab Tennie and head up Rock Creek Canyon to do a little rock climbing in the late afternoon.

Tennie is just beginning to love rock climbing. She prefers bare feet (always), although I think she'll give climbing shoes a try after seeing how much easier the climb was for her sisters. Those bare feet didn't hold her back. She has become mentally tough and determined to conquer hard things. It inspires me. This was not a beginner's climb, but up she went to the very top.

Ceci borrowed my phone for this creative shot.

The rope got caught in the crack mid-climb. Ceci went up to wiggle it free, and another climber jumped in to help too.

I didn't get many pictures of Ceci because, well, I took a picture and next thing I knew she was at the top! She is a more experienced climber. It helps that she is fearless too.

Adele moved pretty darn fast too. She is a beginner climber, but not for long. She is strong and balanced.


It had only been a few days away from Tennie, but it sure was good to have us all together! Soon enough, new friends will crowd us out! This spontaneous Family Night was the perfect last evening of summer.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

August Wrap-Up

Man alive, August was busy! It was uneventful and super eventful all at once.

We had five weddings, which was actually quite fun! It was fun to see so many family and friends. We had a Brinton reunion one afternoon/evening, had friends for dinner and got together with friends for end-of-summer swims. Adele got a little pierce at the top of her ear (since she doesn't wear earrings on her lower lobes).

We served the homeless one Saturday.

Geoff and I teach Sunday School to the 12-14-year-olds (which we LOVE). We had them over one Sunday afternoon to learn some Family History skills (and enjoy homemade ice cream).

Those that could make it then took the names they found to the temple later in the week.

Adele and I took a lettering class at Paper Source.

Adele spent weeks trying to figure out whether she wanted to go back to her old school, homeschool, or do something completely new. We explored every option, and combination of options, we could come up with, but she settled on taking core classes at her old school, and doing a few classes at home. I'll write more about her self-created year later, but let's just say she decided the night before school started!

Ceci is going to one more year at the Waldorf school. There were the typical back-to-school nights, registration, paper work, working out carpools, adjustments to waking up early and focusing all day, and everything else that somehow makes those weeks around school starting just a little more nuts.

Meanwhile, Tennie was getting ready to move out. We took bag loads of stuff to DI, we went to dozens of stores trying to find just the right things for her dorm or wardrobe, we made lists of things to do and slowly made our way through them. I was surprised how much there was to do to get a child out on their own! But we did it! She is settled in, making new friends, feeling a little culture shock because "everyone looks the same" and looking forward to her classes.

During all of this Tennie lost our second set of Fiat keys (she lost the first long ago). That left us with only one car to get everyone where they needed to go. I spent an insane amount of time in the car driving people places. Our keyless Fiat happens to be parked in our convenient parking spot, which left us to do our normal parking in the spot as far from our elevator as possible. Nice.

Geoff has been eyeing Vespas so he has a way to get to work. And then we found out our only car needs over $6000 in repairs. So we haven't had our best travel/car couple of weeks.

Geoff has spent dozens of hours getting Adele's driving hours in. She's getting closer to a license. Happy day!!!

And all along I've been decluttering cupboards and closets, telling Geoff we either need to get rid of a good chunk of our stuff or move to a bigger house. We both prefer the latter. As a result our house is a constant mess! This doesn't bring out my best self, but we ARE making some good progress.

It was a FULL and memorable summer.