Friday, February 16, 2018

Thailand - Part 2

The other bucket list item was mine - the Phi Phi islands. I actually thought these islands were right off the coast until I got to Thailand! We scheduled a tour through the hotel and had another 4:30AM wakeup for a 5:20AM pickup, this time to avoid the crowds.

Let me pause here to say that every once in awhile we get a reminder that Geoff's health is getting better and better. The fact that he has woken up at 4:30AM two times in just over a week, without loads of anxiety and loss of sleep, is a miracle!

We got to the marina around sunrise.

We got on a boat with about 35 other people, nice and smashed in for the hour-long ride.

And it was a good thing, too, because the seas were rough and it was a bumpy trip! We tried to take a selfie...

It was like an amusement ride, though. We had some good laughs and thrills!

At last we approached the Phi Phi Islands.

First stop was Maya Bay, arguably one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.

This place receives 20,000 visitors EACH DAY! It was plenty crowded 8:30 in the morning when we finally got there. We went on a short walk across the island to see the views. Beautiful walk and view!

We went back to the bay to make an attempt at absorbing the stunning beauty of the green and cliffs, the crystal clear, aqua water and the softest sand (coral) I've ever felt.

I could have gone home after this brief stop and been perfectly happy. THIS is what I wanted to see! But there was more. Next stop was a small bay where we stopped for a quick swim. The water is perfectly cool. No matter how long we were in we didn't feel cold.

We drove past Vikings Cove where fisherman used to find refuge in storms and locals would look for bird's nests to eat (?). It is now closed off, but inside it is a football field long!

We went to a small cove on another island to snorkel. I don't like to snorkel. I don't like salt water, I don't like the feeling of breathing out of my mouth, and I don't like seeing a bunch of fish poo in the water! But surrounded by so much beauty, I figured if there was ever a hope of me liking it, this would be it. The water is perfectly temperate and amazingly clear, and the variety of fish I could see from the boat encouraged me in.

I left my phone on the boat and snorkeled with just a mask. Oh man! I was hooked! I'm still probably a fair weather snorkeler, but it was incredible!

Next stop was Monkey Island, which is covered by monkeys, and also loads of people.

We stopped at an island to hike up to a lookout. It was quite a climb! But the views were magnificent! Down behind Geoff, this strip of land was hit hard by the Tsunami in 2004. Waves came from both sides, killing thousands, 60% of which were tourists.

We saw this large spider (the size of Geoff's hand) on the way down!

Last stop was Bamboo Island where we had a late lunch and played around in the waves until we made the trip back. We got home around 6:00. It was a long but incredible day. It all left us wishing we had more time in Thailand!

We packed up and left for New Zealand the next day. So long Asia!

1 comment:

  1. What a place!! Looks absolutely incredible! I'm so glad you got to see it!
