Monday, February 19, 2018

Going to Church

The nearest Mormon churches were an hour away in two different directions. We picked one and gladly took the Sunday drive through amazingly green pastures, over hilly terrain, with cows and sheep grazing and green mountains standing guard. We passed through a few beach towns, catching glimpses of the glorious coast.

We arrived an hour early (Geoff only looked up the starting time of ONE of the church options, the other one!), so to pass the time we found a nearby walking path and walked along until we reached an estuary.

Adele videoing Ceci in front of a kiwi orchard.

It was a small branch of the church with a large percentage of Tongan immigrants. This little branch embraces the Tongan member's culture by singing some of their hymns in Tongan, and the priesthood holders passing the sacrament were in their traditional clothing.

I love visiting our church meetings around the world. The light and goodness is the same, the faithful disciples of Christ are choosing to worship together and do their part to build the Lord's kingdom all over the world and in different cultures. Adele noted that Sunday School is the same all over the world - dreadful! Even those observations are insightful! Our many observations lead us to a lot of interesting discussions about how things could be different, and our own opportunities to have positive influence.

It was a wonderful Sabbath. 

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