Friday, November 1, 2019

October Wrap-Up

I haven't been posting for two reasons. First, it has been an uneventful month. Plenty has been going on, but nothing to post about. Second, I've been working on turning old posts into books (this is an insane amount of work the way I'm doing it) and I'm not super excited about creating more work for myself unnecessarily!

One thing that DID go on in October was FALL. It was a long and beautiful fall, and we got out to enjoy it often. I didn't get too many pictures, other than a trip to Stewart Falls with Emily and Bailey and a walk up Memory Grove with Adele.

Halloween snuck up on us this year. I'm grateful to be out of the insanely busy Halloween season with little kids. Now I just love seeing what they come up with at the last minute. Adele and her friends all dressed up as each other. Adele was Sami and Sami was Adele. Only the very observant noticed.

She and her friend Alexa went to Provo to a Halloween party with Tennie and she came out as a friar. 

Ceci wasn't sure what the dressing up would be at her high school so she took a quick idea from Adele's school costume, grabbed a name tag and went to school as "Shane". I love that girl's humor! And then she met up with friends for evening trick-or-treating and fun and went as a good ol' fashion ghost.

How is that for a speedy quick wrap-up?

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