Monday, June 3, 2019

May Wrap Up

For some reason May threw me off kilter. All of my plates seemed to drop and just lay there. Maybe it was folding Tennie into our full household (she is sleeping on the floor in Geoff's and my room). Maybe it was the news that Adele's school was closing and all the thought and effort that required, or the process of getting her registered for a new school, meeting with counselors at the old and new and setting her up for concurrent enrollment next year. It could have been the mentoring I did as part of a University of Utah study (more on this later) that required my tired, old brain to take 17 (!!!) quizzes to certify my participation, the two Saturday trainings or the 10 hours of mentoring time. I'm sure the seemingly endless gray, rainy days didn't boost my energy levels any when I'm already fighting anemia (still working on budging those levels up). Whatever it was, it seems to have passed, thankfully. Just in time for summer!

Tennie came home from school and has been a bit slow in getting a job. I think it has been nice for her to be home and relax a bit. She did a full week of work for our bishop doing yard work, and she has done some deep cleaning for me, which is amazing.

It was Miss Tennie who started off our May by getting her wisdom teeth pulled.

She bounced back from the anesthesia without too many entertaining antics, darnit! Overall she healed very quickly.

We celebrated Cinco de Mayo for the first time in years. I forgot how much I love Mexico! Adele's friends Sami, Raja and Alexa joined us for our dinner fiesta, then we watched the movie, Coco, which was adorable. Ceci and Tennie even made churros and fancy cups for our limonada!

Geoff was out of town a lot during the month of May and missed our fiesta. He spent two weeks in Boston, New York and Washington D.C. going to conferences and having meetings. One conference was at MIT, which might be his new favorite school! He met a lot of very smart and very creative people there.

I love hikes with my good friend Ashley.

Tennie, Stella and I picked out some flowers for the balcony. Tennie went up and down the herb isle talking about the healing properties of each plant, knowledge gained during her plant medicine class last semester.

On the night of the Golden Spike anniversary celebration there was a magnificent fireworks show that, from our view, was right over the temple. It was spectacular!

Geoff and I went to Liberty Park where I broke out my rollerblades and Geoff skateboarded alongside. I was fully padded!

Sometimes some of us get pretty desperate for s'mores.

Ceci's 6th-grade teacher, Mrs. Simmons, invited us over to feed their new baby goats. Oh, you better believe the girls jumped on that opportunity!

A large chunk of Ceci's classmates participated in the march for global warming, with Ceci leading the chants all the way to the capitol. She created her sign and was ready to add her loud voice!

I'm so proud of these kids seeking to make a positive difference in the world. I'm so grateful to live in a country where our opinions can be voiced. Tennie and Stella joined in too, and Tennie got some pictures. Can you spy Ceci?

When it began to rain they all came to our house, ordered pizza and watched a movie while they dried off. It was a lot of kids packed in!

I saw this bathroom sign at a little taco place that made me chuckle...

I got this picture of Geoff on his Vespa, his cool leather jacket and helmet. Man does he look cute on that thing!

And just as I was typing this my brother sent along this flashback of the girls with my cousin Adam's kids. A perfect picture of summer, a tease of what is just around the corner!

So long May!

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