Monday, June 24, 2019

Girl's Camp

Adele was asked to be IN CHARGE of Girl's Camp this year. While adult leaders were available to assist, they wanted her to gain the leadership experience. Due to a very busy school year, a committee of girls pulled it together, but I'm proud of Adele and her Youth Camp Leaders for pulling off such a fun and successful camp.

Due to late snows, they had to find a new camp location the week or two before camp. They ended up on Pineview Reservoir in Huntsville, Utah. The started camp with a morning of serving at The Odessey House in Salt Lake, and then it was into nature. They got to repel...

Do skits...

Canoe and swim, learn first-aid and outdoor skills, hike, do a mindfulness workshop, put together self-care kits (Adele was in charge of this activity and the girls made bath salts, body and hair mist, lip masks, etc.), have quiet time to write in journals and read letters from parents, and end with a testimony meeting, a time to share one's personal convictions of faith. They came home dirty, tired from late night tent games and ALIVE.

(And a shout out to leaders who sacrifice and serve to make such memories happen!)

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