Friday, June 28, 2019

Blackberry Days - Day 1

Adele and I got back from Hawaii just in time for Blackberry Days, or a Davis family summer reunion. We're all getting together again at Christmas, but this family doesn't let summer pass by without a gathering! We used the American Fork Cancer Run, which many run anyway, to call for a mini reunion. Christian and Heather and family (including new baby) and Nikki didn't make it. We missed them!

The first night people began to roll into town, cousins Taeya and Bailey slept at our place. We went to a food truck park in Holladay for dinner (and Tennie's friend Lindsay joined us).

The following morning was the official first day of Blackberry Days, and Geoff and I took the older teens in town to the Salt Lake Temple, which will be closing for FOUR years in December!

We zoomed straight to hook up with everyone for our hour with some mini sailboats on Utah Lake. After a very brief lesson in sailing we were off. The conditions were perfect for beginner sailors and we were all hooked! (I must add here that Britt, the unofficial but very good family photographer, is credited with most photos at family gatherings!)

Britt got some glasses to feature on her Instagram, so she did a little photo shoot with the older girl cousins. They were too cute not to include!

What cuties! Auntie Britt included!

A brief time on the beach...

But it was a bit windy and cold. Yep, cold in mid-June. High of 68 that day. Weird.

We split up while everyone fed kids and got to them to bed (Geoff and I are definitely in a new stage here...we just enjoyed a few hours to ourselves while all those teens went their own way), then we adults met at the Timpanoogas temple that evening.

It was a really good first day!

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