Monday, January 14, 2019

The Dancing Queen is 17!

I don’t know about you at your house, but Mama Mia soundtracks are common listening fare, and it was obvious that Dancing Queen would be a theme song on Adele’s 17th birthday; it was played, on signs, on friend’s Instagram stories and she even did a post herself using it.

Adele had her whole Saturday birthday planned out for weeks. First sleep in until 9:00, then breakfast (eggs, sausage and potatoes), then yoga at Core Power Yoga, followed by the traditional treasure hunt and presents. Our treasure hunt’s first clue is always on the fridge, just like it was when I was a girl. Tennie did the clues this year. They’re getting trickier and harder to come up with!

Adele loves lots of gifts. We have a birthday budget for gifts and a party. They can spend the party money or keep it for themselves. These days most of that money is saved, but when I asked Adele how much she wanted me to spend on gifts she replied, “All of it!” She had a long wish list (as she did for Christmas), and most of the items were relatively inexpensive, so she had a pile of gifts at the end of the hunt.

On with her planned day, we headed to lunch at Sawadi (favorite Thai restaurant), followed by Menchies Frozen Yogurt where two of her best friends met us. From there we broke off from Geoff, Tennie (who was in town for the big day) and Ceci and went with her two friends up to a friend’s Heber house for the night. I was along to cook a little and be a token chaperone, but these are good friends who laughed and did funny things all night. I checked out as they started their movie marathon at 9:00PM! Those crazies stayed up until 4:30AM! Here is Alexa, Adele and Raja, late night extraordinaires. 

Yesterday those girls had a late morning before we headed home. In the afternoon Geoff’s family gathered at our place for a potluck taco salad bar, more gifts and relishing in cute Adele being 17.

How is it possible? How does the time of childhood pass so slowly when they are young and then speed up in their teens so that we blink and they’re grown?

Happiest 17th, dancing queen!

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