Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Snapshot of Adele – Part 2

Adele is totally uncomfortable with me writing about her. She isn’t one who likes a lot of attention. But I want to capture this time in her life! 

Geoff’s family has a tradition that we have carried on in our family. On one’s birthday, during dinner, everyone goes around the table and says something they love about the birthday person. We all do it in our individual families, but we also do it over text, or when we gather. I’m going to include what family had to say about Adele on her 17th birthday:

Happy birthday darling Adele! You are the personification of pure goodness. Your desire to do what is right, awareness of others and their feelings, and selfless nature is inspiring to me. You are beautiful inside and out and I love your effortless style and grace. I would always choose to be around you and love telling stories, laughing and spending time with you. You bring light into every room you walk into and I truly admire the woman you are! I love you sweet Delo!

I love all the things Britt said about you, Adele! And I love your genuine kindness to little kids and babies. I love your artistic talents and flair. I love your adorable handwriting. I love how much you love to be together with family. I love your good ideas and your commitment to follow through on them. I love your desire to make a difference and change the world. I love your wisdom and ability to assess situations. I love you so much, Adele, and hope you are filled to overflowing with how much this family adores you!!!

Happy Birthday Del!! You are awesome in so many ways. You are thoughtful and always mindful of others. You have a great eye for beautiful things and you are an amazing artist. You are funny and make others feel funny. It is always fun to be around you. Hope you have an incredible day turning 17!!

17 is crazy! I feel I just barely grew out of being 17. In some ways I can’t believe you are so old, and in others you have seemed so mature for so long that it seems like it’s about time that your age catches up to your soul.  You are wise and kind and thoughtful and creative and socially exceptionally talented. You bring people together in significant ways and are a remarkable power for good. You are gentle and sensitive. I love you!  Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Adele! I love your personality so much! You are such and incredible human being, your smile is contagious, your heart is as big as the ocean, your soul is purely golden good, your joy for life shines through your eyes, your love for adventure is unmatched, your love for your family is adorable, and your talents flow from every part of your being. You are so much fun to be around and you have a way of making everyone you talk to feel so special. We are so grateful to be in your family and honored to be able to watch you grow as a beautiful young lady. We hope this is your best birthday and your most amazing year yet. Love you always! Happy birthday!

Lucie (cousin)
Happy birthday Adele!!!! Also, this is Lucie ‘yo!

Happy happy birthday, Delo!!!! I love SO many things about you! I love how much you invest in people. You love fully and unconditionally and fiercely! You prioritize people and experiences over everything else. I love how special and appreciated and awesome you make me feel every single time I come to your house or you see me. You really know how to make people feel like a million bucks! I love how thoughtful and kind and sensitive you are, and how you’d do anything or give anything in the world for anyone else. I love how passionate are about helping people and how determined and resourceful you are at finding ways to help people. I love how adventurous and fearless you are when you travel. You are one amazing chickadee and I am so grateful to be in your family. I love you so much. Happy day, sweet 17!

Happy Birthday Adele. You are really a unique individual. It’s been a great privilege to watch you grow up and to be a part of your life. Thanks for your kindnesses and love. You have so many talents and great gifts. I hope and pray you feel good about the way you use them in your life.
Adele has had many family and personal trials, all of which she has pushed through with such admirable grit and determination. She pushes, sometimes for years and years, without giving up, and has come through stronger and better for it.

Adele is always really quick to apologize. Or if she sees that her mood or behavior is affecting another’s in a negative way, she is quick to change and say sorry.

There are some obvious themes through everyone’s kind words. I’ll let those speak for themselves.

But a few more things:

Adele loves lists – lists of things she wants to learn, do, tasks or any other possible list of something!

Adele loves little books and journals to practice lettering, drawing or to make lists and calendars.

Adele LOVES plants.

Adele receives love by getting small, thoughtful gifts or notes. One time, a few years ago, she asked if she could give me some money so I could buy things and leave them on her pillow. Mental note taken. I didn’t take her money, but she gets small surprises on her bed often.

She also leaves very kind notes, or notes of apology frequently.

Adele adores our cat Mila.

She always has a candle burning in her room. And she always smells good.

Adele is not a time-waster. She likes to be DOING stuff.

In summary, to know Adele is to love her.

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