Sunday, April 8, 2018

Waitomo Caves & The New Zealand LDS Temple

The western coast of New Zealand is the only place on earth to have glow worms. We took a tour of a cool cave that had a river below it. Once we made our way down to the water, through a beautiful "cathedral" section where our guide sang an amazing Mauri song that echoed magnificently, we boarded a boat for a short ride down the river and out of the cave. Looking up, it was like the night sky, only they're glow worms! Actually, they are maggot larvae, but no one would drive a good distance and pay money to see maggots, so we'll go with the worm idea. The bioluminescence attracts bugs to their little nets and they feed on those bugs in their larvae state. It really was remarkable.

Since no photography was allowed in the cave, they touristy establishment created a green screen photo op. We stood in front of a white screen and pointed to a stuffed animal worm hanging from above, and this is what we got, just as if it was the real thing!

Only it wasn't a glowing blue, and it looked more real...

It really was an amazing experience.

We stayed in the LDS New Zealand temple housing during these nights. The accommodations were basic (and just about to be torn down for a major temple and grounds rebuilding). 

The grounds and surrounding area are so green and open.

New Zealand has some incredible trees.

We had some physical challenges on the housing playground.

The church in N.Z. has a rich history. There is a Mauri couple that has been collecting historical information from early missionary journals, photos and gifts and have created the only church history museum outside of the United States. Early missionaries provide details about local tribal customs, costumes and foods in the 1800s, the only surviving details from this period. Some of the gifts they received as missionaries have been returned to this museum from families who have held on to them for generations. It is a special place.

We loved going to the temple together. It was the first time in a few months, and was the last time in the N.Z. temple as it looks now! The church is transforming the current temple and surrounding area over the next three years. Included in those changes is a new LDS housing development that will be open to everyone, but will encourage LDS standards and sense of community. It is called Temple View and is well known in the area. Very interesting concept!

These were our last days on "North Island". From here we go north to "Northland".

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