Saturday, April 14, 2018

The Catlins

Every local wondered why we had chosen the North Island to spend a month. "Everyone who comes goes to South Island. It is the most beautiful part of New Zealand!" I really couldn't imagine it being more beautiful than where we had been! Turns out, it was totally different (except the number of sheep).

We flew in to Dunedin. After seeing the bright green fields and the cliffs into the ocean on the flight in, we regretted not planning to spend any time in this area. (We also didn't see the northern part of South Island, like Abel Tasman National Park, but we had to limit ourselves somewhat!) We collected our luggage and picked up our comfortable SUV (The rental during our month-long stay and first leg of the trip was a piece of JUNK and so cramped and uncomfortable that we upgraded the second half. It turned out to be a $20 difference, total!) and made our way to an Airbnb near Nugget Point with two intentions: see penguins and observe the Southern night sky in one of the darkest areas of the country. Only, it was super cloudy. Rats!

That first night we went to the penguin sighting spot and stood for at least an hour watching and waiting with no luck. Our only other opportunity would be at dawn when the penguins go back out to sea. We set our alarms for 6:30AM. As for the night sky, it was too cloudy, except for when I woke up to use the loo in the middle of the night. It was perfectly clear. I went outside and marveled at the expansiveness of the stars. I woke Geoff up and we enjoyed it for a short while before getting too cold and climbing back into the warm covers. We still had another hope for a night sky for the girls later on.

The next morning we made our way to Nugget Point, again in hopes of spotting penguins.

We stood in the hidden building, a structure built for viewing (the penguins don't come out if there are people around). We peered out those windows for over an hour and a half again. We did see a sea lion hunting on the beach toward the end. We knew then that the penguins wouldn't come out with that predator out and about. No penguins for us.

The drive to and from Nugget Points is beautiful. There was a random table at the side of the road, and if Geoff hadn't insisted to get a picture we wouldn't have a single photo of the little bay.

We drove along The Catlins ALL day. It is a 4-hour drive, but it took us nine! The day's itinerary was totally foiled. It was raining the entire way. We had hoped to see the petrified forest, Roaring Bay, several waterfalls and Cathedral Cave. None of those were an option with the nasty weather. But the drive and coast was still incredible.

We still took detours that looked interesting and got out when the weather let up a little.

Can you see all the sheep in the background?

We sent this next one to Tennie letting her know the sheep in New Zealand are BYU fans too!

Speaking of Tennie, it was on this day that she got in her first bike accident. We spent a good deal of time pulled over on the side of the road talking with her, wishing we were home to be with her. More on that later.

We made an unplanned stop at Bluff, the southern most point of New Zealand, the place expeditions leave for Antartica. It was super cold, rainy and windy! Geoff is pointing to Cape Reinga, the northern tip we had visited just a few days before.

We stopped at a little lighthouse.

When we stepped out on this little walkway we nearly blew away. No exaggeration. All of us agreed it was the windiest moment we had ever experienced! I had to hold on to my phone tightly when taking pictures!

We made our way to Te Anau where we would stay the night before making our way to Milford Sound. Stay tuned for some serious business beauty!

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