Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Christchurch and Heading Home to SLC!

We drove to Christchurch for our last night. We spent a chunk of time reorganizing our suitcases again, for a different airline's luggage regulations. We had a little time to drive into Christchurch. Christchurch was heavily damaged by two earthquakes about ten years ago. Rubble has been cleaned up, but entire city blocks are empty, and many historical buildings are standing with the remains of what wasn't destroyed. It appeared that nothing has been rebuilt, but apparently 10,000 homes were destroyed, and the land they once stood on is now a strange sandy foundation that can't be built on. Maybe they've spent money and human resources on taking care of the displaced families first. Still, it seemed so eery and desolate. While a few cars were on the city streets, we saw very few people. Strange.

We caught a flight early in the morning and traveled for 24 hours, first to Sydney, then L.A. and finally to SLC.

In the last two weeks we traveled about 1777 miles, and that isn't counting detours or around town driving, just point to point on google maps on narrow, windy roads. We stayed in 10 different accommodations in 15 nights. The flight home was long. We were tired and ready to be home.

No pictures. But we made it. Home sweet home!

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