Sunday, July 28, 2019

McCall, Idaho

Summer slows down my productivity, in general, so I'm a little delayed in posting about our great week in McCall, Idaho with Geoff's sister Ingrid's family.

We met up for a little rafting on the Payette River to kick our week off. It was pretty mellow with just class II and III rapids, but a really good first trip for all of the kids, and definitely a step up from the Provo River! Next year we may move up in intensity! It was FUN!

The weather was unseasonably cool in McCall this time, which led to more bike rides through Ponderosa State Park, and Geoff and Ceci biked down Brundage, the local ski resort.

We did some huckleberry picking in the woods and Tennie made huckleberry jam. And Trent whipped up some huckleberry shakes. YUM!

Geoff was really excited to have a contest to see who could make the best seltzer rocket, inspired by the BYU team he read about in the alumni magazine. We broke up the teams, gave them basic supplies and instructions and set a 10 minute limit. It was fun to see the tweeks and ingenuity of these kids! The parents gave a try too. Prizes were all-you-can-eat Ice Cream Alley and a trip to My Father's Place, our favorite burger place in town.

All were very serious scientists for the photographs.

The water was pretty choppy most of the week, so for the first time we had early morning risers to get the smooth water, and I'm telling you, it was cold - like 40 degrees outside! But we had some new wake boarders who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to practice and get better. We would go out in the evening until it was too dark to see too.

And those not in the boat read or explored or played on shore.

Trent is endlessly patient as he drives all these kids around on a tube, circles for new learners, giving solid advise on getting better. He really is amazing.

And on the last day, when it was too cold to swim but we weren't ready to go home, we sat around on the dock near the water and just soaked in the beauty of the place.

And the cold didn't deter us from daily trips to Ice Cream Alley.

And a few more miscellaneous moments...

This place holds some of our most magical memories.

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