Monday, July 15, 2019

Garn Reunion - Part Two

Our immediate family went kayaking down the Provo river during our July 4th afternoon break. I talked my mom into it telling her she wouldn't get wet. Usually this river is more of a float, but it was full and swift this year with some small rapids. I went with my mom, who sat in the front, and we hit every rapid head on, most dousing my mom with cold water. I laughed my head off (totally at her expense) and she was a great sport and dared say she even had fun!

Everyone wanted to go with Geoff. Here were the lucky ones...

Then there were these two crazies...

Our small cousin clan on my side of the family with my cute mom...

The cousins fit in a few quick jumps off a nearby bridge...

There was a freak wind/rain storm that evening during our wiffle ball game, with weather alerts to seek shelter immediately, so we gathered inside and told stories (we have some really funny storytellers). Geoff and I headed home before the local fireworks show and saw 100s of fireworks going off in the Salt Lake Valley as we came down the canyon. That was fun.

I didn't make it for the 2nd day, but on the last day Geoff and I went (the girls aren't too in to the extended family stuff right now...) The morning consisted of an enormous Nerf gun fight between teams. Everyone provided their own guns and some people went all out! It was so much fun and  most everyone played. Here is Geoff...

My brother and his sons had sniper guns and went to a nearby deck.

After nearly two hours of Nerf guns we did what became known as "Grandma Bombing". This was intended to be a fundraiser event to cover some of the reunion costs the night the storm hit, but we ended up fitting it in and not charging. It was a HIT! Trying to hit those original siblings was great fun! And have you seen the new water balloon kits that fill 100 balloons in about a minute?! Amazing! These grandmas were great targets! All got a little wet...

The final night was the Garng Show, a play on the old Gong Show. Family members were encouraged to bring anything they could do, even if not considered by the world as a talent. There were three judges with a gong. If your act didn't get gonged, then you were given a score up to 10. There were magic tricks, kazoo songs with minimal mouth movement, skits and songs. One cousin even put floss down his nose and through his mouth! My brother and sons sang a made-up song...

There was loads of laughs and minimal real talent. We finished off the final night with the Garnie Awards, which my cousin Shane does every reunion. They're given for all sorts of funny reasons.

I must admit that every time these reunions roll around I wonder why we still do them, but then while there we all remember how fun we are and how much we enjoy our time together. I'm really grateful to call these people family.

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