Friday, April 19, 2019

Newport Beach, California

Geoff had to take a last minute two-day trip to New York for work in the middle of our stay here. It was for a gathering for those chosen to be a part of Fast Company's Impact Council. Totally cool and flattering, but did it have to happen right in the middle of Geoff's beach vacation? A big bummer for him. While he was gone we took another day trip to Newport Beach. We had never been there, and I have always wanted to see what it was like.

After fueling at Dory Deli we rented bikes and rode along the beach to the ferry to Balboa Island. This little ferry takes three cars and a handful of passengers for the short ride, but it is cash only. A nice lady heard our plight and paid our way there. Sooo nice. But how to get back? Later we met a guy while getting Balboa Bars (oh my deliciousness) who worked with us in figuring out how to get cash. ATM? That would have been easy, but my pin doesn't work. We worked it out though and got ten bucks.

Balboa was full of adorable houses in a compact little space of land. We explored the small main street and ate our Balboa Bars before heading back to the beach path.

We did a little shopping and then ate Lebanese food in honor of our Passover tradition. It was a good day full of California sunshine.

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