Thursday, March 1, 2018


Adele and Ceci took a surf lesson last week.

They had taken lessons in California last year, but they want to go to the next level. This first lesson was a review. Their super-chill instructor taught them a few techniques that had them get up and stay up on their own.

While the waves were small, their consistency proved they were ready to move on. She suggested they practice until they can get up without any thought. That came pretty quickly, and they have spent a few days, several hours each day, moving down a size in board or attempting bigger waves. We want to sign them up for another lesson, but this is the forecast.

The past three days have been rainy and very windy. Geoff checks the weather hourly, hoping for a miraculous change. The beach is his happy place, and he is distressed that his precious beach time is slipping away!

Hopefully we'll get a few more sunny moments in the next 10 days!

1 comment:

  1. That is so fun to see them up on boards! I've tried it once is all and never got very far. Oh I hope you get some sun!!! Fall weather there is iffy I guess...At least it's semi warm- so if there's no lightening can you surf in the rain? My heart is over there in a big way thinking about you all and Michael who started school last week in Dunedin. Will you all get down there when you go to the southern isle?
