Thursday, March 8, 2018

Homeschool 9.0

This is our ninth year of homeschooling! We did seven years in a row, then just Ceci came home for a semester, and we've pulled them out of school for this traveling year. Generally, we've tried to keep our ambitions pretty simple this time around. Traveling educates in a very real way, and we didn't want to take away from the eye-opening experiences of what was around us. Now that we've settled into a little more of a routine here in New Zealand, this is what our days look like (that is until Geoff says we should go to the beach five times a day). Let me rephrase that, this is what a day here might include:

We are most consistent with this religious class and are following a manual. We spend an hour every morning, first thing, studying the Book of Mormon. This is my favorite part of the day. We are learning so many beautiful and important truths and principles together. Our study is creating a strong unity of purpose. The girls think an hour is a bit long, but sometimes we try to spice things up with dramatical retelling of stories, art depictions, etc.

Math always comes first academically, when brains are fresh. Math is not a desired subject in our household!  We are working with an online program called Alecs, and it assesses where a student is and starts there. I'd say we tried to go back a bit and review in order to build a stronger foundation before moving forward. We chip away at this for an hour most days.

Language Arts
We're using a curriculum we used before called Boomerang by Bravewriter. It teaches the mechanics of writing by reading and studying a book a month. So far we've read Little Women, The Merchant of Venice and we're working on The Call of the Wild. Bravewriter also has a curriculum to teach essay writing. It is introductory for Ceci and a review and additional practice for Adele. We're just starting that this week. Up until now we've been having fun with creative writing prompts.

This has been sporadic, but Geoff will spend long hours on some days teaching French, and the girls are making chunks of progress. Once back in Salt Lake, I think we'll be more consistent. Adele is signed up for a BYU High School Home Study course, and they are using that as a guide.

French class:

Science & History
The focus for these areas comes with where we are. We learned Cambodian history, Thai history and Ceci is currently doing a project on New Zealand history with a focus on European Exploration. We've dabbled in Marine Biology, conservation and are currently learning about astronomy, as we have a unique view of Southern skies.

Three-Week Projects
Adele and Ceci are finishing up their first three-week project. Ceci is doing the history of New Zealand, as I mentioned, and Adele is learning about why New Zealand is ranked as one of the happiest places on earth and how that is determined. They had to choose something based on where we are. In the coming months it can be anything they are interested in.

Surfing, kayaking, swimming, biking and snorkeling. Best PE ever.

And that about sums it up.