Saturday, September 11, 2021


I must admit that I'm losing steam with capturing life here on this blog. Maybe it is because we're all in different directions, or because I find myself not being committed enough to pull my camera out, or because I want to give my attention elsewhere. But here I am eeking out the most basic summary of two seasons in 2021. I'll start with Spring.

Ceci did all of her driver's ed drives and tests and is finally an official Utah driver! At 16 years and 8 months, Ceci was the youngest of her sisters to achieve this accomplishment.

Adele finished up her freshman year and solitary, distanced dorm-life and moved in to her first bonafide New York apartment in the East Village! It was quite a search, and then the process of getting in an apartment is, as my NY friend Nichole put it, "like pulling your pants down." We exposed all of our entire lives to secure that place. Only going through the French bureaucracy to live in France for a year beats it in hours required. Geoff flew out to help her move and get settled and would have moved in permanently if her roommate, Elena, hadn't shown up. May she never move again.

Geoff's family came in town for Britt's babies' blessings. It was nice to be able to gather outdoors again with the warming weather.

Tennie started Spring term and took a more mellow GE class: flower arranging. She sent me regular photos of her creations. This was a photo coming home having gathered lilacs (a May flower I LOVE).

Obviously there were a lot of other goings-on, but none of them noteworthy enough without a picture.

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