Sunday, February 21, 2021

A Week of Love and Valentine's Day

I'm making Valentine's Day, and the week leading up to it, its own post to capture all the love. Given we are spreading out as a family, and wanting to keep our unity and love, we tried to make it a little extra special. 

We've always shared love notes the week leading up to Valentine's Day, but as the girl's got older those notes moved to texts, and I was mainly the one leaving them. That hasn't changed, but it is still a good tradition! There were good things shared about the members of our family, a little glimpse into how we see each other. So I took screen shots of those love-posts and will share them here for the family record.

Geoff wrote letters to Tennie, Adele and Ceci telling them what he loved about them and sent them all beautiful bouquets of flowers. I gave them all a sparkly prism to hang in their windows, symbolizing the color they add to the world with their bright light souls.

Ceci heart-attacked my bedroom door with little bits of love, and I heart-attacked Geoff's work space throughout the week.

And other than a heart garland, some Valentine's dish towels and this little mouse, Valentine's Day around here is decorated with love.

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