Wednesday, July 29, 2020

McCall, Idaho

We squeezed in a quick trip to McCall a few weeks ago as Geoff was finishing up one job and before he started his new one. It never feels long enough.

We stayed in Ingrid and Trent's place with Brittany and Hunter, which was really fun. We missed Tennie, who has her head down with a heavy school and work load, and we missed having the Wells there too!

We rented a jet boat and an instructor to teach us how to surf ski. Geoff, Adele and Ceci picked it right up and loved it!


Hunter, who had never driven a boat, made it possible for Geoff to be able to ski, as Geoff was the experienced boat driver. On one swing around to pick Geoff up for another go at skiing, the boat was difficult to maneuver and we coasted directly over Geoff, hearing several thumps on the bottom of the boat. It was terrifying. I fully expected him to come up floating upside down and severely hurt, but he came up from the rear corner alive and ok, much to all of our relief, especially to poor Hunter who felt mortified. He continued to ski, and brave Hunter continued to drive. It wasn't until later that Geoff realized how much his wrist hurt. A later x-ray confirmed it was fractured. A small injury compared to what could have been a tragedy. He said that right as he saw the boat coming straight at him he had a clear picture come to his head about how to get out from under safely. Such a miracle.

This boating day was Britt's birthday, and with Ingrid who came in town for the day, we finished it off with some lakeside Mexican food and a walk along the beach at sunset. (Most of the pictures from McCall are Britt's pictures.)

Geoff got out on some Ponderosa bike rides, one with Hunter. More wildflowers!

One day we rented mountain bikes and biked down Brundage a couple times. It was my first time mountain biking and I am hooked! It was so much fun and so beautiful!

It was a bit cooler this summer while we were there, but with some tubes the water was tolerable.

 We did a lot of reading and lounging on the dock, took multiple trips to Ice Cream Ally, watched the sunsets and said goodbye until next time.

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