Friday, January 17, 2020


Somehow life is speeding so quickly and it seems like I just look up long enough to see the weeks whiz by! How is it already mid-January? Let's back up to December.

Aside from the stress of college applications and last ditch studying for the ACT, December was relatively calm. It was a short and wonderful holiday season.  Knowing we were leaving town, we put out minimal decorations and kept things simple. It was nice.

Cousin Bailey invited Ceci to a special viewing of the new Star Wars movie. She came home with her own light saber and a smile a mile wide. So fun.

There was another big climate march that the girls participated in, and Ceci did a Friday sit-out one week this month.

Ceci is Mila's favorite...

One of Ceci's friends invited her to go see Conan Gray in concert, back stage passes included!

We got this super unique Christmas gift from a friend. Popcorn on the cob!

My sister-in-law Ingrid got this cute Gingerbread kit from a neighbor. Such creative ideas!

Geoff, Ceci and I made a trip to St. George for Dooz's baptism. It was fun to spend a weekend celebrating this cool little guy. 

Adele's Choice Humanitarian youth board took part in a live nativity.

It was a great start to the Christmas season!

We left for McCall, Idaho on December 21st, which I'll cover in another post.

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