Wednesday, March 11, 2020


I remember when the girls were young thinking how nice it would be when they grew up a bit; I would have more time. Older mothers told me it got busier, and I just couldn't understand how that was possible. But here I am, the older, wiser mother. It is busier, with what I can't quite say. Maybe it is that each individual child has a full, independent life with all the emotions and complications and challenges that go with it. Or maybe I'm just not as spry and energetic as I used to be! Anyway, February passed in a blink. And so will this post!

For starters, I started classes to become certified as a foot zoner. Classes are every other week for 4 hours for the rest of the year, with less during the summer months. I needed to jump start something in my life, and I am interested enough in health and healing and energy work that this motivated me. Not sure where it will take me, but I'm loving the challenge. Sometimes I have to get creative in memorizing...

We shared our love during Valentine's Day week.

During our scripture study in the evenings Ceci sometimes draws instead of following along. She whips up things like this...

I know I'm biased, but I think she is pretty darn good!

The girls, cousin Bailey and Geoff's sister Brittany had an Oscars party with hors d'oeuvre, sparkling cider at the after-party and fancy gowns, make-up and hairdos. They went all out and had a great time. Britt won the Best Aunt Award.

And that is it. Pretty ho hum, I know.