Tuesday, February 18, 2020


In January we wrapped up Christmas, celebrated Adele's EIGHTEENTH birthday, and life moved on into 2020.

Geoff hosted his first ever book group here at our house. It was really fun to see a group of men-friends gathered to discuss ideas and thoughts! This group got together at the end of last year, brainstormed potential reads, selected 12 and signed up to host. Geoff is making more time to read, which is always a good thing. 

The whole month was really quite uneventful, aside from some good snow storms, a snow day and the continual stream of thought-provoking conversations spurred on by politics, religion, social ills to be remedied, books read, etc. that keep our minds and hearts expanding.

Geoff went through an intensive natural treatment for giardia, as well as a liver cleanse. It left him more fatigued than usual, with a few other detoxing symptoms thrown in. It was successful, so he is now onto a treatment for the Valley Fever, which is having similar effects on his body. He is a trooper, and he is grateful to be peeling the layers to rediscover good health.

I finally got into a hormone doctor with all of the preliminary tests done throughout January. My iron levels are at a 4 when they should be at 100, and my hemoglobin is low, especially for living at high altitude. The challenge is getting my body to absorb iron, so the puzzle continues. All hormones are normal according to the tests, but my pesky symptoms say otherwise, so I finally gave in to some bioidentical hormone replacement. Aging is strange. It is like my mind is looking at my body wondering what in the world it is doing. Behave already!

Geoff and I watched a documentary called The Game Changers, and as a result decided to give a vegan diet a try. We're still going strong and discovering all sorts of delicious recipes!

Geoff's dad turned 70 and so all the siblings took a quick trip to celebrate with him. Most pictures are courtesy of Brittany. They had a blast. First of all, moving just 8-10 people is so much easier than moving 36! It was effortless and casual and open and all came away from their time together radiating pure happiness. They packed into the airbnb we stayed at last Spring, so they spent a lot of time on the beach, ate out, had a big celebration for Geoff's dad with family and friends, rode around in the mini cooper they rented (a little squeezy!) and laughed and talked for hours on end. A great memory.

Geoff, of course, was in his happy place. Right when he walked out of the airport he sent me a text (I was waiting for it), "Why don't we live here?" 

That is Geoff and Ian out there...

My brother Nate was in St. George at the end of January, and I snuck away for a long weekend to see him. Everywhere we went in town he knew someone, and that someone was always super excited to see him. He is so lovable and authentic. 

We went to a Dixie High basketball to watch my cousin's son play (I hadn't been to a high school basketball since high school!) and I ran into some great friends who just moved to St. George, Steele and Sara Hendershot. Steele's sister Hayley was my best friend in high school and beyond. Still a great friend. So fun to see them.

It was a great weekend wrapping up a great January.