Saturday, August 3, 2019

July Wrap-Up

This summer is flying by at lightening speed! How is school starting in just a couple weeks?!

Aside from watching Erica and Davey's kids, attending the Garn Reunion and vacationing in McCall, the month was filled up with a lot of random things that took a lot of time. First a few Garn Reunion photos that came in after I posted about that event. (Not the best quality, however.)

First the whole group...

The original cousins (only about half of us)...

And the cousin's kids...

Ceci has been going to physical therapy a couple times a week for a shoulder injury that happened while surfing in Morocco. Luckily it looks like surgery won't be necessary.

I decided to dive into road biking after renting a road bike a couple times to see if I would like it. More on this later, but Geoff and I bought new, custom road bikes that we'll get at the beginning of September! So excited!

Adele and her friends organized a Friend and Mom's Lunch, which was really fun. Next time I'll make sure to get a photo of the moms too. Sadly they won't all be going to the same school senior year.

I met up for lunch with two great friends who were in town from New York and California, Nichole and LaDawn. Strong, powerful women!

And then there were doctor appointments and random things that need to be addressed with our cars, and gathering with friends, and travel to New York and Boston for Geoff, and mountain bike rides and Adele studying for the SAT, and Ceci working for me doing cleaning and projects, and sleeping in and summer movies. And somehow summer is almost over.

That last week of July we enjoyed getting together with my brother Mitch and his family while they were in Park City. We swam and ate out and met on a very hot day at the Olympic Park. Oh that place is fun!

We zip-lined, dared the rope course, slid down the ski jump on tubes, free-fell off a tower and jumped gainer-style into big, puffy bags. We nearly melted by the end of the day, but we mostly had the place to ourselves because we braved such heat. Minimal lines.


It was great to spend good time with them.

On to August!