Saturday, November 3, 2018

A Storybook Challenge

Over conference weekend, at the beginning of October, Ceci asked if I wanted to write a children's book for each other. I whipped mine out, keeping it simple.

But Ceci worked on her book all weekend. She was drawing and painting during all of those great talks. This was her amazing finished product. A treasure for sure!

Adele heard about the challenge and whipped up this goodie in French!

So fun! And Tennie, who was home for the weekend, didn't write a book, but had fun with this adorable piece of art.

Good creative times worth capturing!

Thursday, November 1, 2018

October Wrap-Up

Where in the world did October go?

It looked like our Fall was going to be over with that early snow storm and cold snap, but it turned out to be one of the most beautiful autumns we've ever had here. The leaf color is magnificent and lingering, and the weather is just right. That was the best part of October.

Besides our trip to San Francisco and the re-flooring, and all that entailed, it has been a pretty low-key month. I've taken advantage of some open space to get a head start on Christmas gifts, activities and holiday cards, which has kept me pretty busy with fun surprises.

I got my own fun surprise when Adele asked if we could go to Greece for her upcoming intensive in November, and before I knew it we had tickets! So coordinating the logistics of that upcoming adventure took some time.

Our friends from Ghana, John and Suzi, were in town! It was so fun to see them all bundled up for Utah weather.

I went on a hike in Park City with Ashley. Nothing beats an old friend. She is a good one. But we had to find a new path when we came upon a very large moose laying in the trail!

Geoff returned to San Francisco last week and is in Paris this week at two different Social Capitol conferences. His business continues to evolve in exciting ways. He loves Paris and made the most of his extra day there. He went to the Louvre.

He took this for me. I LOVE it.

This next one is for Ceci. They are reading The DaVinci Code, so he is laying on a floor mentioned in the book. (That is just how cute of a dad Geoff is.)

He visited the neighborhood we fell in love with last November.

I love all of these selfies!

And he went to a concert at The Madeline where he heard five violins an a cello play Vivaldi's Four Seasons, Pachelbel Canon, and Schubert Ave Maria. A perfect Parisian day!

On to November!