Saturday, December 30, 2017

Christmas in McCall, Idaho - Part 1

We asked the girls if they would like to spend Christmas skiing in Chamonix, France (we were there, afterall), and they unanimously said no, they wanted to be in McCall, Idaho with cousins. As time went on it turned out Geoff's entire family would be in McCall for Christmas, so we came home to spend Christmas in one of our very favorite places on the planet.

We would arrive a week before anyone else (except for Tennie who joined us the second week), and we watched the weather looking forward to snow, but there wasn't much. The first week we literally prayed for snow so Brundage, the local ski resort, would open! And sure enough, later in the our first week there, we got a lot of snow. That first week was full of crackling fires, reading, games and walks. It was delightfully quiet and uneventful.

Before it snowed...

After it snowed...

It was a typical McCall winter wonderland.

Most people arrived on my birthday. I treated myself with some goodies from the local bakery, Stacey Cakes, and had a pretty low-key day. It was very nice. The best part was setting out to cut down our own Christmas tree in the woods! (Any good quality pictures were taken by Geoff's sister Brittany.)

On Christmas Eve we took up a good chunk of the overflow at church. 

We were staying in three homes (including Ingrid and Trent's place). The largest of the three was the gathering place for all activities. Christmas Eve afternoon we decorated the tree and acted out a nativity play organized by Liz. It was awesome. Those kids took their parts seriously and put on a beautiful play. Tennie played a script helper, and Adele and Ceci were narrators.

Getting ready...


I love Lucie, the angel below, with her snowsuit under her costume!

We had a big taco bar for dinner, after which Geoff gave "snowies" to all the boys...and Ceci.

There was front row, indoor seating to watch...

As it was getting closer to bedtime, Ian began to read The Night Before Christmas, allowing the kids to finish off each sentence.

We then broke out into a rowdy version of Here Comes Santa Claus, and then we heard a "Ho Ho Ho!"

The kids almost immediately recognized Poppop! He passed out a present for everyone there, one at a time.


We finished the night off with a little circle of singing Silent Night around the tree (a Davis family tradition) and a fondue dessert before going our own ways to get ready for Santa's visit.

On Christmas morning we opened presents and ate breakfast in our own houses.

In the early afternoon we gathered at the main house and exchanged family gifts (all adults pick a name, and all of the cousins pick a name). This opening seemed to go on for eternity, but was so much fun. Tennie doing a little dance with her yard of Snickers...

In between there were games.

We had a big ham dinner and Geoff, Robin and I made batch after batch of ableskiver. Mmm. I think we are 37 strong now.  That is a lot of ableskiver!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Bruges Christmas Market

We flew back to Paris, stayed the night, drove to Bruges, explored the town and Christmas market, stayed the night, explored the town some more, drove back to Paris, stayed the night, and flew back to Utah the next day. It was well worth the effort. This town was incredible.

The drive through French countryside is always amazing, and we had never explored this direction before. There are bits of significant history everywhere.

On our way into town we stopped to eat and tried the Bruges french fries. So-so. We then went straight for the main square to see the Christmas market. It was cold and rainy and we didn't even notice because of the charm of this small city. Pictures can't quite capture it, at least not an iPhone with me behind it!


When we found this little stand we texted Geoff's family to see if anyone wanted anything. We nearly cleaned the place out!

And then we went to Käthe Wohlfahrt where we spent a very long while.

We bought this guy, which reminds us of the symbol of Santa being the Giver of all Good Gifts. I love how action-oriented he is, and how LIGHT guides all that he does.

The Bruges History Museum had a box of dress ups, which is always a big hit with Ceci.

Another lady took a turn being the queen and Ceci jumped into her pictures as well.

The next morning we explored around a bit more, then the girls split off for awhile and went back to the History of Bruges museum while Geoff and I walked around the city.

And we tried more french fries. They ARE good!

I'm glad we made time for this Christmas market. It was a good kick into the Christmas season.

Adele picked up some last minute macaroons before getting on the plane...